Friday, March 25, 2011

Barbecued Chicken Breast with Green Bean Caserole

Last night was barbecued chicken breasts with green bean casserole. I used boneless skinless so it would be healthier and cut them into smaller pieces so they would cook faster. After they were almost done I put my homemade barbecue sauce on them and let them cook for another 10 – 15 minutes. I used French Style green beans with the last of my homemade mushroom sauce. Topped it with the French Fried Onions and baked it at 350 for half an hour. The sauce was a little more runny than normal the beans had too much frost in them and I hadn’t realized that at the time. I learned for next time if there is frost rinse them in hot water first to get rid of it.  I was too tired or I would have realized that last night.
Bon Appétit!

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