Thursday, March 10, 2011

Polish Sausage

Wednesday’s dinner was polish sausage over buttered egg noodles.
I sautéed my onions first till nice and translucent then added the polish sausage which I cut into about 1 inch slices. After cooking them I added a quart of crushed tomatoes and let that heat and served with buttered egg noodles. Very simple and quick for an evening when you don’t have a lot of time to make something. The prep time was about 15 minutes and cook time was about 20 minutes. The noodles took more time than anything so always get anything like that cooking first so it can be cooking while you are doing something else.
Tomorrow is a simple burger and a green salad. I have some great hamburger buns so that’s a good time for a good burger.  Bon Appétit!

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