Monday, March 28, 2011

Beefy Mushroom Rice

Yesterday Jack needed to take a side dish to work for a lunch they were having. I decided to make him a rice dish. I used about a pound of porcini mushrooms, one red onion, 10 jalapeno peppers, and half a cup of celery all finely chopped. After cooking them in 3 sticks of butter they were added to about the cooked rice. I used Jasmine rice because of the wonderful smell while it is cooking. I did about 4 cups of uncooked rice. After that was done and the veggies were added I made about 2 cups of beef gravy and added to it to make it a beefy mushroom taste. It was a little overpowering with mushroom so I made 4 more cups of rice and mixed them together. It was perfect. Now tonight when I get home I will make some beef broth and throw my half of the rice in and have beefy mushroom rice soup for dinner. I think I’m about mushroomed out for a while. I  have probably used about 10 pounds in the last 2 months. Bon Appétit!

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