Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Swedish Meatballs

For tonights dinner  we are having Swedish Meatballs over rice. We are dining at cousin Sandi's so there will be 6 adults and 3 kids. For this I made about 50 meatballs. I used the mushroom soup recipe for the sauce. The only difference is that I thickened it with a corn starch and cold water mix. The meatballs are made with ground round. To that I added 1 medium chopped onion, a few stalks of celery a tsp or so of jalapeno peppers, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup spicy homemade ketchup, spices including garlic salt, steak pepper,  and nutmeg. I made the meatballs about 1 ounce in size so they would be small and uniform in size so that they all cook in the same amount of time. I browned the meatballs in butter with a dash of extra virgin olive oil to keep the butter form burning. After they were browned they were put in a galss dish and baked at 350 until done. Time will vary depending on how long they were cooked on top of the stove. Do not over cook. After a cooling down period they got put in the fridge till later in day when I had time to make the sauce. After the mushroom sauce is done thicken it with cornstarch  and cold water mix stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Once that is done put a layer of sauce into the bottom of a bowl then add meatballs. Keep layering sauce and meat  together so the meat  gets a chance to absorb the flavor of the sauce. Cover tightly and refrigerate after slightly cooled. This will set over night and be taken to Sandi's tomorrow night when we get home and Sandi and I will be able to relax and enjoy a bottle of wine together while dinner is heating. The only thing to do tomorrow is make the rice and a fresh green salad.
Bon Appétit!

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