Monday, April 18, 2011

Mushroom Rice Bake

How much rice you use depends on how big of casserole you wish to make. The rice bake has mushrooms, onion, broccoli, mushroom sauce, celery, cooked rice, topped with cheddar cheese. Sauté the fresh mushrooms in butter. Add the onions and celery to the mushroom butter and sauté til translucent. Add the broccoli tips to the vegetable mix and just stir til it turns bright green. It only takes a minute or so then remove from the heat.  Add heavy whipping cream to your mix to make your sauce. Mix this with the rice. Mix it all together and put in buttered glass baking dish. Top with shredded cheese, and a light layer of pepper jack. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or so.  you can also make this a day ahead of time and bake it when you need it if you have more to do the day you want to serve it. Baking time then would be more like 40 minutes depending on  your oven.  
This is not quite as diet friendly unless you only eat a small portion.
Happy 3rd Birthday Sophie. This is her birthday party dinner.   

Bon Appétit!

the cooked one here is not one i made. this one has no pepperjack cheese on it.

the one at the top prior to baking is mine adn does have pepper jack cheese.

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