Friday, April 8, 2011

Pepper Jack Cheese Burgers with Carmelized Onions & Green Pepper

Tonight was Pepper Jack Cheeseburgers with Caramelized Onions for dinner with fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries with dip for dessert. I make quarter  pound burgers and toped them with pepper jack cheese.  I cut them in half and arranged them on a plate so I could make sure they were thoroughly cooked. I browned 1 onion in 2 sticks of butter and added a tsp or so of brown sugar after they were thoroughly cooked. I let them continue to cook then placed them on top of the burgers. The strawberries and pineapple were both cut and put on a plate. Made the dip and dinner is served. Bon Appétit!
These were so good I made them again only I added a half of a green pepper to it this time. It was just as good and the green gave it a little added color. Bon Appétit!

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